<aside> <img src="/icons/reorder_gray.svg" alt="/icons/reorder_gray.svg" width="40px" /> BPR. 4 stages of Delivery. When a low won’t be taken out? Review of 22 model and Silver bullet setups. Advanced Gap theory. Common gaps, Breakaway gaps and Measuring Gaps. SD projections.




This is a weekly chart to just keep you abreast as to where we are in that weekly range. We reached up into the weekly bearish order block and the midpoint of that we pierced it last week. So far this week, we're just meandering around inside the range of the weekly order block opening price and that mean threshold.


Daily Chart


This is the business on the Daily


On the first FVG we have only Sellside delivery, meaning that in only went down. It is Sellside delivery that is inefficient in Buyside.



.💎Balanced price ranges tend to either stop at their high or low or midpoint.

We cut through candles bc the algorithm will refer back to that inefficiency. And the fact we traded back and forth means that now SSL and BSL has been offered. Then price left the range. If it ever comes back to it, it’s highly unlikely that will trade to the low of the range and through it.



We respected the -Breaker many times. So now it would be much more meaningful If we were to break that swing low at the Daily FVG otherwise I'm going to stick with the likelihood that dollar Index will either consolidate or go higher, either one.



All of this price action back and forth in here, even that there is Sell-side liquidity resting below, it's being met with high resistance. So, high resistance liquidity runs, they can still deliver and go below those lows, but HRLR runs are very frustrating.

But Resistance in what way?

Daily Chart



Notice back and forth move on left side. It is met with the same HRLR, back and forth on the right side of the chart. It can go up from here and it can also go down from here. Because it is not one sided we are neutral. A lot objectives have been met on Dollar, Euro and Index Futures. We have to let the market consolidate a little bit.

The 4 stages of Price Delivery: