Weekly chart


💎Inside Candle 💎

It's usually an indication that there's going to be a large move very shortly, usually within the next two candles. We like to anticipate the very next candle. When this weekly market opens, I would expect the beginning of a large weekly range. Now, we may not get it this week; it may be deferred one more week, but usually, it doesn't make you wait longer than two time frames. So, since I'm utilizing the weekly chart here as I'm discussing this, the expectation would be that we expect to see a large range weekly candle. Now, by and in of itself, it doesn't give you a directional prognostication. It just tells you the magnitude of the move, how much energy should be shown in price delivery. So, you're still required to have some measure of prognostication behind the direction. Are you bullish or are you bearish?

<aside> 💎 Usually the very next candle or 2nd one. price will show energetic move. If that doesn’t happen that’s a sign of a longer consolidation. Look only for scalps and LTF setups.


But if we do get that large range expansion weekly candles that allows for one-sidedness on in terms of direction.

Daily chart


4-Hourly chart


Hourly chart
