We're doing a top-down approach and study the importance of the higher time frame down to the lower time frame and how the PDRA Matrix is utilized throughout the time frames.

The NQ Monthly Journal


     All right, so here's the monthly chart. This will be an example how you might want to journal. You want to bring in your own unique personality. This is the basic approach to annotating your chart and how you might record some observations, but you might want to include a lot more self-love. Something that you might want to do in your annotations is really write in those types of comments that you saw it coming, even if you didn't really see it coming. You're conditioning your subconscious by recording these pseudo experiences. That way, you're tricking your brain into seeing something at a later time, referring back to these as examples like on the weekend or say a couple of weeks ago. You'll look at your journal, and by looking at them with these annotations and reading them out again, your brain sees these PD arrays. What PD arrays?


How is that a -Breaker?


On 4H you can clearly see the formation.

We have also 2 FVG. The BISI is something in the future while the SIBI is in the past.



You may include other things that you were identifying or saw something in the empty spaces. Something that you want to make sure you record and build up this scary area in your understanding. For example knowing how long you should expect the bias to stay in effect. Well if you've been bullish it's reasonable to anticipate price eating up into this bearish breaker. And if it does, how far can it go? We have BSL above the REH and then we have the inefficiency. July delivered that and the wick goes just past it by a little bit, but that's okay. The Wicks do the damage the bodies tell you the story. That's the narrative.

The NQ Weekly Journal


💡As you go down to a lower time frame, label your PD arrays with the corresponding time frame. On the weekly we have a Premium C.E. of a wick and a Propulsion block.