Visual Aid.png

Above we can see Relative Equal Highs.


Notice how ahead of 13:30 we pierced the Buyside from 10am. That in itself is too shallow of a run. Just few candles went up there. And then we moved from that high down around 4082 at 14:32.

If we look at the biggest FVG at around noon, we could use that to go long and look for the high of the gap to offer support. We want to see the FVG from 11 till 13:00 that’s just above the first FVG, price to rip through it and attack the Buyside Liquidity at 4094.75. (Same trade that I took). It reached that and even went to highs from the AM session.

That shallow little run above the AM session and then a deep retracement to the 4082 low at 14:30, it could indicate that we would potentially run that 4100 more meaningfully, bc its Friday and bc we left those highs and price moved just a little bit above them. So.. because that’s a High of Day and its ran with shallow move, that means that there will be traders who feeling confident that price won’t get up there. So we have even more Buyside above those REH and especially over the 13:30 high. We are expecting price to run above that.

Now lets look at price between 14:00 and 14:30. We draw our fib from the low at 14:31 to the high at 14:16. We use the low to high between 14:00 and 14:30.


From this low to that high we are measuring expansion and see the SD from that price leg.

The -1.5 SD is the first that is above the REH. We can use that level to predict the next swing high.


Now we go back to the left and look at the high that formed at 12:07 and the low at 12:16.


The first SD that comes above the AM Session High (EQH), is at the -2.5 level. Price is at 4101.25.

Now lets go and look at the next high above the Buyside from 10am and the highs formed at 13:20 and 13:24. They are REH as well. If we were to expand further than 4104, where could it expand?

ICT felt that we can potentially sweep above that bc is a standard procedure, it could expand little bit above it.


The next SD is at -3. ICT was talking on Friday live session, how far it could go above the BSL, this is how he came up with the 4105.25 level. He gave us 4104 and 4105 and if it really gets animated it could reach for 4109.50.

Now lets get more specific…