<aside> <img src="/icons/reorder_gray.svg" alt="/icons/reorder_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Baseline (1/3) / SMT Divergence / Risk ON-OFF / Partials and Stop loss / HRLR vs LRLR.



We don’t want to rush things especially today bc Friday we had a big range expansion on the Daily. We have FED Chairman speaking Tue & Wed. So there isn’t likely to be a lot of animation today. We can still participate, but we must keep reasonable expectations. With that being said, we might go down into the NWOG after we just took Buyside.


The first few minutes after 9:30, we are looking if showing us what it wants to do.



As long as we are above the NWOG, we are bullish and we want to see DXY going lower and take out the Sellside Liquidity



On a day like this, because of the calendar this NFP week, Tue/Wed FED chairman speaking. We want to wait for the first 30min and study what the first Macro 950-1010 will do. Macro is algorithmic and during it, price will run for liquidity or inefficiency. That’s the tipping of the hand, if the market hasn’t done much by then, this tells us what price wants to do till the lunch hour.


Notice how the LL on NQ was met with HL on ES. This indicates us that ES is stronger and is the leader to the upside.





We compare the charts with DXY and if ES is moving higher, DXY should be moving lower. That would be Risk ON scenario. Do we see that now? No, the dollar is stagnant. This is a very lethargic Opening range. And during the first minutes of it, you want reference the RTH chart and see where we are compared to last Regular session close.


So far this session there has not be any worthy setup thus far.

How do you learn to not FOMO trades? Just remind yourself that there is always next one coming. Even if it was really clean and easy and fast… If you missed its okay. There will be a another one coming real soon. There is not a trader in the world that is in every move. Sometimes you have to take care of things in your life.



Now we are looking how DXY reacts when it reaches the Sell side, and how does ES reacts when it reaches the nearest STH (above the latest big black candle). Up there on ES everything is balanced, so if DXY goes below the Sell side we want to see ES really run aggressively higher. Otherwise it will just trade listlessly. That could happen bc tomorrow we have FED chairman talking and many people could just wait and sit on their hands. Right now we are in HRLR.